How to Use Instagram To Build Your Brand and Reach Your Audience on a Global Scale – In Just 7 Minutes with Jake Davey

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Find out how to use Instagram to build your brand and reach your audience on a global scale Learn how to forge deeper connections with people even if the majority of those you do business with you might never meet in person Find out how you can give people something that gets them excited, moves their emotion slightly so they will come back for more Resources/Links: Check out Jake's FREE access to The Instagram Accelerator Training. Click here: Summary Have you done all you can in social media and just don't seem to get noticed? Even how hard you try to generate leads all you get are crickets. How about, take a pause, and listen to Jake. He might have something that would resonate with what you're facing now. Jake Davey empowers entrepreneurs and business owners to be seen as the go-to expert and authority in their industry by growing their first 10,000 followers on Instagram without spending a penny on paid advertising. In this episode, Jake shares how to engage, generate leads, and grow your business globally by leveraging Instagram. Check out these episode highlights: 01:26 - Jake's ideal client: "It is undoubtedly, its business owners and entrepreneurs. It's principally people who want to connect more deeply with their audience. So, business owners, entrepreneurs, who want to have a bigger impact on a global scale, they want to reach more people in the most effective way possible, the most powerful way possible. And in a way that strengthens and has a real depth of relationship, one-to-one with the individual that they're speaking to." 02:16 - The problem he helps solve: "Far and away at the moment, with the setup of Instagram, the way that the platform is designed, the fact that it is principally a visual platform, photos, images, video, it's so heavy on those things, that it's very, very powerful for moving the emotions over a path of connecting with people directly if you like breaking down that fourth wall. And because of that, I think that the problem that I saw with the problem that I help solve is how to forge deeper connections with people. In a world today, you know, in 2020, 2021, yet we're actually, the majority of people you do business with, you might never meet in person." 03:38 - Symptoms clients have before consulting with Jake: "Either they've been using social media in the past and social media more broadly, not necessarily just Instagram. And it's taking time, it's taking energy away from their business and from their main strengths. And for whatever reason, they haven't got traction, they haven't got the results that they want. They're not getting in front of as many people as they want to be able to get in front of, they're not getting, building the audience that they want to build. They're not building the engagement that they want to build; they're not getting the leads that they want to get." 05:08 - Mistakes clients make before they seek Jake's help: "Tried to do it all themselves is the first thing, trying to create all their own content, feeling that they have to create all their own content. Taking hours actually doing that, creating the content, and trying to take the perfect picture. That is far and the biggest challenge, perfection every time. 05:22 - Jake's Valuable Free Action (VFA): "The one major thing that shifted in my mind was when I realized when I first got started it's not to make it all about me. It's not social ME-dia, it's actually, social YOU-dia. What do my audience, my followers want to see?