How to Think Differently and Radically Transform your Business – In Just 7 Minutes with Rob Gemmell

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Find out why cookie-cutter marketing does not for your business Learn how to present your offerings and avoid getting lost to the sea of sameness Discover how Rob teaches entrepreneurs to think differently towards their business and why establishing an empathetic connection is one of his most effective strategies Resources/Links: Sign-up for Rob's Webinar:How thinking like Apple can get you remarkable results - with less effort Summary Rob Gemmell is the Creative Director at Apple, award-winning industrial designer, entrepreneur, and consultant to over 100 businesses into a hands-on consulting and coaching practice. Rob’s common objective across all clients: Attracting and keeping high-profit customers and clients. And doing so with less effort and uncertainty. In this episode, Rob Gemmell talks about how he helps entrepreneurs who provide professional services to think differently and radically transform their business. He shares the importance of training your mind the way Apple does by internalizing the three core principles. He also shares how Apple's marketing philosophy endures all challenges. Check out these episode highlights: 00:55 - Rob Gemmel's background as Creative Director at Apple, award-winning Industrial designer, Entrepreneur, and Consultant 01:43 - Rob's ideal client: current or former executives who provide professional services or knowledge or experiences 02:30 - Finding expertise and clarity about offering: problems Rob for his client 03:25 - Competing on price versus proficiency: typical symptoms that Rob's ideal clients manifest 04:05 - Fake Marketing mistake clients does before coming to Rob 04:54 - Rob’s Valuable Free Action - Change description of their business that they have in their mind 06:10 - Rob’s Valuable Free Resource - Sign-up for Rob's Webinar:How thinking like Apple can get you remarkable results - with less effort 07:35 - Rob’s Valuable Marketing Tip: Internalize the three core principles of marketing get the ebook here: Apple’s Three Pillars of Marketing Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Start with empathy and then lead that into what's unique about the way you deliver your services or the knowledge that you bring to it.” @robxgemmellClick To Tweet Transcript (Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) Tom Poland: Hello, have you want to very well. Welcome to another edition of marketing's the invisible. My name is Tom Poland has always been me out to you from on the sand. A little Castaways beach in Queensland. Australia joined today by Rob Gimmel. Rob, good day and welcome and where you're hanging out. Rob Gemmell: It's a pleasure to be here Tom. Thank you. And I'm joining you from Napa, California. Tom Poland: Napa, California the land of wine and honey. Rob Gemmell: Absolutely correct. Tom Poland: So facts Rob. He's an award-winning industrial designer, so that tells you that he has the ability to think big picture as well as a detail orientated, which is quite rare. One of the very interesting is about Rob folks is that he's not only an industrial designer, but he's also a creative director formerly with apple. So he knows how Apple thinks, develops products and services and markets them. He worked directly with Steve Jobs for a number of years and so, therefore, I had the privilege of learning directly from the feet of one of the greate...