How to Test and Validate Your Ideal Customer Profile – In Just 7 Minutes with Collin Stewart

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Learn what is product-market fit and why it is important to know your target market deeper Know why it is important to humanize your brand Learn how to figure out your ideal customer profile-the bedrock, the foundation stone for all marketing Resources/Links: Download your copy of “Market Fit Matrix Template". Summary Collin Stewart is the co-CEO of Predictable Revenue and Outbound Automation software. He oversees product strategy, works with Aaron Ross the other co-founder to lead their Revenue team and hosts the Predictable Revenue Podcast. In this episode, Collin shares how he helps entrepreneurs and growing startup companies avoid pitfalls like nailing a niche, hiring and people issues, metrics and CRM adoption to get their outbound program off the ground and drive faster, more predictable revenue growth. Check out these episode highlights: 01:26 – Collin's ideal client: We typically work with growth startup companies, a million to 10 million, somewhere in that range. 01:36 – Problem he helps solve: Top of the funnel. A lot of the companies we deal with they don't understand, they've got a bunch of their early growth from their network, from inbound, from people that know the founders. And so, we help them make the jump from where you need to go from customers are coming to you, too, you now need to go out and sell to those customers 02:34 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Collin: Plateaued growth. They're beholden to one channel, whether it's inbound partners, referrals, network, etc. 03:28 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: companies asking their salespeople to prospect, close, and manage accounts. 05:24 – Collin's Valuable Free Action(VFA):"Once you've made the commitment to building an outbound team, one of the things we see people scrub a lot is they don't spend any time validating their target account list. And so basically, we've developed a methodology, I'm going to share in three minutes with you on how you can do that." 05:50 – Collin's Valuable Free Resource(VFR): Download your copy of “Market Fit Matrix Template". 08:12 – Q: "How to put the Market Fit Matrix into practice??" A: the answer to that is you make sure you're running one experiment per row. So, if you look at the doc that we provided that's 40 experiments. For each experiment, typically, we look at a sample size of 300 to 500 contacts. If you're using email on LinkedIn, 50 to 100 contacts, and then your messaging should be fairly soft. It should be focused on, are you the best person on your team to ask about this. And then a strong follow up is, 'Hey, would you mind letting me know if this isn't relevant? I don't really want to be a bother'. And maybe that's the Canadian bit we added in at the end there but we found those sorts of to follow-ups to be, those, the CTA and follow up to be. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “People just rush to tactics, but you got to get the strategy right.” -@CollinYVRClick To Tweet Transcript (Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) Tom Poland: 0:09 Hello everyone, a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by Collin Stewart. Collin, good day, a very warm welcome. Where are you hanging out sir?