How to Stop the Tug of War With Time – In Just 7 Minutes with Penny Zenker

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 How to integrate the elements of thought, communication, and behavior to provide strategies for positive changes and maximizing results Importance of time management in the growth of any business Lessons on how you can stop the tug of war with time so you can focus on your goals Resources/Links: Are You A Time Zombie, Hamster or Squirrel? Find Out With The Distraction Assessment: Get Yours Now! Stop the Thug of War with Time Management: P10 Productivity Accelerator Summary   Penny Zenker is an interactive, best-selling author and strategic business coach. She is passionate about helping people reach new levels of success by thinking and acting more strategically. Her experience includes building and selling a multi-million dollar business, managing business turnarounds, living abroad for 16 years, and worked 5 years a Tony Robbins business coach. She will challenge you to think differently and inspire you to be your best. Her easy to understand frameworks make implementation fast and easy. In this episode of Marketing the Invisible, Penny shares how to integrate the elements of thought, communication, and behavior to provide strategies for positive changes and maximizing results so you can stop the tug of war with time. Check out these episode highlights: 00:43 – all about Penny Zenker 01:47 – Penny describes her ideal clients who are entrepreneurs who wear multiple hats to get to the next level of success 01:56 – the distraction problem she helps solve for her clients 02:11 – symptoms her clients experience when they have this distraction problem that is not yet solved 03:34 – common mistakes her clients do when they try to fix the problem 05:55 – Penny’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Stay on the same theme. 07:02– Penny’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Distraction Assessment 07:50 – Penny’s Valuable Free Tip (VFT) – Simplify things. Take our goals and break it down to its smallest piece. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “We have to start thinking differently to get beyond that. We have to manage our time differently. We need to prioritize and really look, think and act strategically.” - @pennyzenkerClick To Tweet “We have to shift from tactical thinking to strategic thinking. And then we have to shift the way that we think to apply any of those tools in the best way.” - @pennyzenkerClick To Tweet “We have to slow down just a bit. So that we can reflect. Because the biggest point for me in terms of hitting acceleration is around fast feedback.” - @pennyzenkerClick To Tweet “Stay on the same theme. If it is to slow down and take a look at what is working and what is not working, add that to your schedule. To plan time for it.” - @pennyzenkerClick To Tweet