How to Scale Your Business with Facebook Ads in 2021 – In Just 7 Minutes with Alex Fedotoff

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Discover why many entrepreneurs face a hard time in scaling their business especially when they don’t understand Facebook advertising that much Understand how crucial it is for you and your business to stop depending on that one thing alone that you’re holding on to Find out how you can scale your business with Facebook ads nowadays Resources/Links: Wanting to scale your business but have no idea how to? Visit and get Alex’s Ultimate Guide To Scaling Hyper-Profital eCom Brands today! Summary Are you an e-commerce entrepreneur who has been wanting to scale your business but all the trial and error processes you’ve done so far have resulted to nothing? Are you the type who hasn’t tried having multiple business managers, multiple ad accounts, and multiple business pages because you think that one is already good enough for everything? Do you want to try doing Facebook advertising but you have no spot on understanding how it works yet? Alex Fedotoff is the Founder of Brand Hyper-Growth community on Facebook. He scaled multiple e-commerce businesses with Facebook ads to 8 figure level with successful exits. In this episode, Alex talks about how you can scale your business with Facebook ads now that we’re in a year where modern technology plays a huge role in everything that we do. Here, he discusses the importance of having multiple business managers, ad accounts, and business pages, and shares tips and resources for you to be successful in scaling! Check out these episode highlights: 01:09 – Alex’s ideal client: “We help e-commerce entrepreneurs that are already six, seven figure level, have the foundation in their business and have great products that they're selling to become more efficient and more profitable with Facebook advertising.” 01:38 – Problem Alex helps solve: “A lot of entrepreneurs don't understand Facebook advertising. They don't know how to advertise profitably and how to scale their ads, so they might be spending quite a few hundred dollars a day profitably or a few thousand dollars a day, but they don't know how to spend 10, 20, $50,000 today on advertising profitably.” 02:47 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Alex: “Sometimes, they would have inconsistency with their advertising. Let’s say you’re advertising in Facebook and today's really good. You’re spending $1,000 in ads and you're getting $3,000 back. But then tomorrow, for some reason, you’re spending the same $1,000 back and you only gained like $1,200 back.” 03:51 – Common mistakes that people make before they find Alex’s solution: “The biggest mistake is they do not try to have multiple business managers, multiple ad accounts, multiple business pages; so they’re just relying on one.” 05:42 – Alex’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Start setting up and getting some extra backups for their business, for their business managers, for their ad accounts, and just stop relying on that like one ad account, or one business, or one page, because that is putting their business in a very vulnerable situation.” 06:21 – Alex’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Visit and get free access to Alex’s Ultimate Guide To Scaling Hyper-Profitable eCom Brands! 07:09 – Q: What makes you happy? A: My family. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Entrepreneurs should stop relying on one ad account, or one business manager,