How to Rocket Launch All Lead Capture with Chat Bots – In Just 7 Minutes with RJ Redden

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Learn how messenger marketing can bring qualified clients to your doorstep Know why knowing and talking to the right audience is the key to your business success Discover the power of chatbots to help your business thrive in today’s ever so competitive world Resources/Links: How to install, customize and launch your very first bot! Summary RJ Redden is a Messenger Bot Strategist at Black Belt Bots. She has been coaching people about technology since 1998. In this episode, RJ shares how chatbots can help a business skyrocket your launch and help your business's lead generation effectively. Check out these episode highlights: 02:13 – RJ's ideal client: coaches, authors, entrepreneurs, that are out there getting you know doing their best to build the list, to nurture people, to make things happen, but have run into some frustration in the fact that a lot of things work a little bit. 02:58 – Problem she helps solve: The problem that I solve is, how to get your message heard. 04:14 – Typical symptoms people experience with that problem? They work, they work harder not smarter. I know that a lot, a lot of folks, you know, they just want to, just want to find that kind of magic silver bullet and chatbots are not a magic silver bullet on their own. 05:52 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: making your message so general that it speaks to no one, that's a popular problem. 08:03 – RJ's Valuable Free Action(VFA): I'll send you to right now, create a free account, start tinkering. 08:32 – RJ's Valuable Free Resource(VFR): 08:39 – Q:'What motivates me to get up and do this every day?" A: It is the dream of having small business owners in charge of their own communications, qualifying people, getting those prospects in, and actually being able to nurture them in a meaningful way and exploding their businesses. That's my dream. That's why I get up in the morning. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Making your message so general that it speaks to no one, that's a popular problem.” -@blackbeltbotsClick To Tweet Transcript (Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) Tom Poland: [00:00:09] Hello everyone. A very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland, joined today by RJ Redden. RJ, a very warm good day from down under here in Australia. Where are you hanging out? RJ Redden [00:00:21] Hanging out in Omaha, Nebraska, the middle of the United States. A flyover state for a reason, I think. Tom Poland: [00:00:30] Well it is in the middle so you'll only get a bucket load of people flying over for whatever reason. So, folks RJ is different as you might be able to tell by the blue superwoman cape and the minion glasses. In keeping with the same theme, her bio is a little different. I'm going to read that as it is written on her website because I think it is quite revealing. She says I come to work every day because I help solve one of the biggest problems in marketing a business, which is that everyone is guessing. Tom Poland: [00:00:59] So what's going to bring more qualified clients to your doorstep. Maybe if you focus on building your email list, step up those social media posting, go live more often, then maybe that will be the magic formula that inspires potenti...