How to Move From 1:1 Services to Leveraged Income – In Just 7 Minutes with Christine Gallagher

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Discover how to roll out a solid, doable plan for leveraged income without always focusing on 1:1 services Learn how to create a business model that gives you all the time and clients you want Learn how to leverage client work in a way that feels good to you moving from 1:1 services to leveraged income Resources/Links: 5 Surefire Strategies to Escape the Dollars For Hours Trap and Cut Your Work Hours by 30% (or More) While STILL Generating a GREAT Income: Visit to learn more. Summary The most successful business owners know that in order to achieve success, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You would love to enjoy a business that consistently grows, allows you to pay yourself generously, gives you the freedom you crave, AND helps a lot more people. But, up until now, it's only been a pipe dream. Christine Gallagher is a speaker, trainer, bestselling author, and award-winning business coach. She founded in 2009, a company dedicated to teaching women around the globe how to get clients online and grow and scale their businesses. Christine is also an in-demand speaker and has been featured as an online marketing and social media expert in numerous publications such as We Magazine For Women, NewsDay, BlogHer, The Huffington Post, Social Media Examiner, and many more. In this episode, Christine shares how she helps female service-based entrepreneurs escape dollars for hours income, move to a 1-to-many model, and scale their business online for more freedom and impact. Check out these episode highlights: 01:35 – Christine's ideal client: "My ideal client is usually a female service-based entrepreneur who already has a business, they already have clients, but they're really ready to take it to the next level." 02:27 – Problem Christine helps solve: "I solve the problem of women really just not knowing how to grow and scale their business with offers that are considered leveraged including how to create them, how to get those offerings out there in front of right people, how to hit their income goals." 03:08 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Christine: "There are definitely some specific ones. One would be like your income feels like it's capped. You can't go any further. You might be feeling burnout because you have clients again, but you're trading time for money. You might be bored, I know that I got to a point where I was bored, right? And I wanted to, you know, shake it up and do different things and so leverage offers is one way to do that. And then the other thing is people feel like they don't live up to their potential because there are all these other people they want to help." 03:55 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Christine and her solution?: "One thing is not really understanding how to do a proper launch. So, you can't just throw, you know, an offering out there and hope that people buy it." 04:47 – Christine's Valuable Free Action(VFA): "What I came up with was this idea of virtual workshops. I think that virtual workshops as an offer is something a lot of people can do and they're like a really cool concept. It's a good place for people to start when they're trying to go to that more one to multiple people. " 06:01 – Christine's Valuable Free Resource (VFR): 5 Surefire Strategies to Escape the Dollars For Hours Trap and Cut Your Work Hours by 30% (or More) While STILL Generating a GREAT Income: Visit to learn more.