How to Leverage Your Content for Leads – In Just 7 Minutes with Lacy Boggs

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Learn how to harness the power of content by having a clear why with your business goals Know how to unleash the power of content that can help you build and scale your business Learn what content marketing and why is it important Resources/Links: Grab Your Free Editorial Calendar Template: Summary Lacy Boggs is a content strategist, author of the bestselling Kindle ebook, "Make a Killing With Content," and the director of The Content Direction Agency. In this episode, Lacy shares how she helps personality-driven brands create and implement content marketing strategies tailor-made to support their customers and reach their goals. Check out these episode highlights: 01:43 – Lacy's ideal client: Our ideal clients are online business owners who drive leads through their content or through their websites and who have a personality-driven brand. 01:58 – Problem she helps solve: We create unique content strategies and then help do the implementation for that so that they don't have to. 02:34 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Lacy: A lot of times what I hear is that they simply don't have the time to create all the content they need to market their business on all the different channels we have to be on these days. 04:14 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: A lot of times even very successful business owners haven't really connected the dots between their content and their business goals. So, they may be creating tons and tons of content but they haven't actually figured out like is this piece of content moving my business toward the goal. 05:31 – Lacy's Valuable Free Action(VFA): I always tell people to start with why. There are two big whys when it comes to content. There's the why for your reader or your audience and there's the why for your business. And if you can define those two big why's for your content strategy that'll go a long way to making sure that each piece is aligned with the why. 06:37 – Lacy's Valuable Free Resource(VFR): 07:28 – Q:'How to actually leverage each piece of content.?" A: Don't reinvent the wheel when you're trying to do your content. Lead them back to your cornerstone piece of content. And that cornerstone piece of content should usually be supporting your business goals like have an opt-in, grab leads, get people to sign up for your thing, or apply to talk to work with you. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “There are two big whys when it comes to content. There's the why for your reader or your audience and there's the why for your business. And if you can define those two big why's for your content strategy that'll go a long way to making…Click To Tweet “Don't reinvent the wheel when you're trying to do your content. Lead them back to your cornerstone piece of content. And that cornerstone piece of content should usually be supporting your business goals like have an opt-in, grab leads,…Click To Tweet Transcript (Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) Tom Poland: [00:00:09] Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland. Beaming out to you from on the sand next to the waves, a Little Castaways Beach in Queensland, Australia. Joined today by Lacy Boggs. Lacy, good day. Welcome,