How to Joint Venture Like a Rock Star (Even If You Don’t Have Much Of A n Email List) – In Just 7 Minutes with Rob Goyette

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Learn how to sign up coaching clients for a year or more at a time without a list and without strategy sessions Know how to implement this amazing model within 4 days to sign up clients and collect fees faster than ever before Learn how to sells programs through trust and a well-crafted offer Resources/Links: "How To Quickly Add Coaching Revenue Into Your Bank Account In As Little As Four Days": Summary Rob Goyette is a business coach who helps coaches get clients. He has expertise in list building, automated webinars and client attraction. In this episode, Rob shares how he helps coaches and small business owners attract and enroll clients and be a rockstar JV partner even if a coach doesn't have an email list. Check out these episode highlights: 01:21 – Rob's ideal client: it's coaches and small business owners 01:31 – Problem he helps solve: I can teach them and people on this interview how to conduct joint ventures. 01:46 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Rob: A lot of people think that they cannot do joint ventures because they don't have much of an email list. But if you think about it even all the big players started with no email list. So, I just see that holding a lot of people back. They think they don't have an e-mail list so they can't do joint ventures and that just, that's not the case. 02:20 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: The big one is they procrastinate or put it off because they think they need an email list first. 03:40 – Rob's Valuable Free Action(VFA): If you want JV partners and especially if you don't have an email list consider this, try hosting a giveaway. 06:46 – Rob's Valuable Free Resource(VFR): 07:28 – Q:"What sells programs?" A: It's trust and an irresistible offer. If people are not buying your stuff, you're either not helping them trust you enough, or your offer is not irresistible. Which could mean they don't understand the offer or it's not worth the money you're asking for. But if you're trying to troubleshoot your marketing it's one of two factors or both. It's trust and an irresistible offer. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Q:What sells programs? A: It's trust and an irresistible offer. ” -@robgoyetteClick To Tweet “If you want JV partners and especially if you don't have an email list consider this, try hosting a giveaway.” -@robgoyetteClick To Tweet Transcript (Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) Tom Poland: Hello everyone. A very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Tom Poland. Beaming out to as ever from Little Castaways beach on the sand here next to the waves in Queensland, Australia. Joined today by Rob Goyette. Rob, a very warm welcome sir. Welcome and where are you hanging out? Rob Goyette: Thank you, Tom. Yeah, I'm in Colorado Springs. Tom Poland: Colorado Springs, a home of...what? What's Colorado Springs famous for? Rob Goyette: Yeah, yeah. Probably most well-known for Pike's Peak, the big mountain in this area. Tom Poland: Pike's Peak. Thank you very much. Tom Poland: And for those of you who don't know Rob, he's been serving coaches and business owners since 2007. Some twelve years now.