How to Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money – In Just 7 Minutes with Noah St. John

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Find out how to crush that voice in your head that is stopping you from becoming the great person you want to become and realizing those goals for yourself Discover one crucial action step you must be looking into to get out of wherever you're stuck in Learn how to gain confidence and keep moving to reach your goals faster Resources/Links: Get your FREE book, Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money: How to Avoid the Three Big Money Mistakes Even Smart People Make? Get it here Summary You know you can do more, but what's keeping you stuck and plateaued? Have you been making yourself right by making excuses for not doing what you're capable of getting done? Do you have coaches, but nothing's happening, and you feel as stuck as ever? Dr. Noah St. John is known as The Father of AFFORMATIONS and The Mental Health Coach to The Stars. Working with Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure company CEOs, professional athletes, top executives, and entrepreneurs, Noah's coaching clients have added more than $2.7 Billion in sales since 1997 by following his methods. In this episode, Noah shares how hard it is even for smart people to get unstuck and get to their goals faster. Even with them having coaches, it seems like nothing is making traction, and here he is highlighting what must be one doe to get away from all that's getting in the way of not moving forward and making things happen. Check out these episode highlights: 01:46 - Noah's ideal clients: My clients are the 1% of the 1%. Remember what Steve Jobs said, the rebels, the crazy ones, the misfits, the square pegs and round holes. That's who I love to work with. My clients are the people who are doing well. In fact, other people look up to them and think they're doing amazing and want to be them. But they know that there's so much more that they could do. 02:26 - The problem he helps solve: The main one is what I call taking out your head trash about money. 03:41 - Symptoms of his clients' problem: Let me give you a great example from one of my clients. I spoke at an event in Los Angeles, and this person came up to me, and he said, 'Noah, you're the coach I've been looking for. I heard you speak about head trash and afformations. And you're the mental health coach to the stars.' Everything he just said, he hired me on the spot. But what was so funny is, he was making 4 million, you know, in his business. His business was at 4 million in revenues. And yet he felt stuck. And it was crazy. Because you know, of course, everybody loves to be making that much. But he knew he was capable of a lot more. 05:00 - Mistakes his clients make before working with Noah: A big part of that is -- marketing gurus. Let's just say there are so many marketing gurus out there, and you know, they're just selling a bunch of nothing. Using my client, Adam, as an example. That's what he had tried. And they just were all saying the same thing. But they weren't getting inside; what I call the inner game. 06:16 - Noah's Valuable Free Action: What you need to do right now, for everyone listening, is to write down your number one goal for the next 12 months. The second part is the key; then, I want you to list what it will cost you to get that thing. And that's one clue of why you might hold yourself back. 07:21 - Noah's Valuable Free Resource: Get your FREE book, Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money: How to Avoid the Three Big Money Mistakes Even Smart People Make? Get it here