How to Get More Leads and Sales from Your Website – In Just 7 Minutes with Peter Sandeen

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Discover how to make the most out of your website in order to increase site interactions and sales Learn how to put your clients in your email list through the right marketing strategy Know more on how to keep your clients engaged in your business and soon add money to your bank account Resources/Links: Check out Peter’s Website: Summary Are you struggling to get sales no matter how good your website looks? Does your website make people understand that your offer would be valuable for them? People buy things when they understand that those things are valuable to them. It has little to do with marketing tactics or strategies. It’s about what you say with your marketing. Peter Sandeen is called the marketer’s marketer because so many of his clients are marketing experts. After years of copywriting and conversion optimization, he helps people get more leads and sales from their website. In this episode, Peter shares his insights on how to increase your sales not through spending your money and time in crafting an expensive website that doesn’t get you your sales, but through having a proper marketing strategy for your website that can get you more customers and more money in your bank. Check out these episode highlights: 01:18 - Peter’s ideal client: “Well, as you mentioned, more than half of my clients are other marketing experts. But I would say that my ideal clients are coaches, consultants, and other service providers. I'm very happy to work with anything from e-commerce to traditional local businesses and so on. But I have the easiest time, I think, with service providers, expert service providers. It somehow just feels like the easiest crowd for me to help.” 01:54 - Problem Peter helps solve: “Well, within this context, it is that they have a website. They get visitors there but they don't get leads and sales or at least not any reasonable amount of them.” 02:21: “Typical symptoms clients do before reaching-out to Peter: “I think the usual symptom is sort of silence. They don't hear from people or if they do, it's often from unqualified people who didn't really understand what they're even offering or there's overall, the silence is the obvious symptom that they do see from Google Analytics or something that, "Hey, people are coming to my site," but that's it. Like they can see people are there but nothing else happens or maybe they get some social shares or comments or these things that can feel nice but don't affect your bank account in any way.” 03:45 - Common mistakes that people make before they find Peter’s solution: “The most common thing is doing a redesign project. I've asked now, hundreds of business owners, most people have been in business for years and like spent 10s of thousands on website design. And I've asked how many of you have done a redesign project, and I think there hasn't been yet a person who didn't put their hand up. Maybe one or two.” 05:06 - Peter’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “Really recognize that, especially if you're a coaching consultant, that type of business, most, like a very huge majority of your visitors will not buy immediately. So, you shouldn't even try to make them buy immediately. Some people will, and you can create ways to do that, but like, that's really not the goal of your website. The goal of your website is to get them on your email list, or otherwise take one step closer to buying.” 06:03 - Peter’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Peter’s Website: