How to Generate Predictable Profits in Your Business – In Just 7 Minutes with Charles Gaudet

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Discover how to take your business to the next million in revenue Know why it is important to develop talent and a culture that is self-motivated and works toward a common goal​ Learn how to spot high-potential growth opportunities without spending any more money on advertising than you’re already investing Resources/Links: Sign up for a strategy session and Multiply Revenue & Scale Your Small-Business Faster : Summary Charles Gaudet is the author of The Predictable Profits Playbook: The Entrepreneurs Guide to Dominating Any Market and Staying on Top and host of The Beyond 7-Figures Podcast. He's been an entrepreneur since the age of 4, created his first multi-million dollar business at 24, and has helped others generate millions with his strategies. In this episode, Charles shares how he helps growth-minded business owners and CEOs reach their next million in revenue and beyond through data-based decisions, rigorously tested strategies and deep insight into existing opportunities. Check out these episode highlights: 01:18 – Charles' ideal client: We work mostly with small and medium-sized businesses who have a sales team. And often the sales team is field-based, meaning that they travel from client to client. 01:41 – Problem he helps solve: A lot of business owners would like to understand what their sales teams are doing, their own activity, but doing the manual work of data entry in a CRM is just a soul-sucking experience 02:11 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Charles: Well, there are usually two symptoms, either you don't know what the sales team is doing, or they're spending too much time updating CRM. 02:54 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: Well, the traditional way to solve this problem is to bring up everybody who's involved in the sales process or perhaps have a large meeting. Where you force every person in the company or in the group to sit around and talk about all of your different potential customers, and it's a big waste of time. And the sales team hates that and everybody gets really bored. 04:33 – Charles Valuable Free Action(VFA): The advice that I would give, which relates to that is to make sure that people are doing enough follow-ups. I know it feels like when you have a lead coming in that you're reaching out a lot to somebody. But reaching out a lot, even more, is really required to convert them into a customer. So, don't feel like you're not reaching out too much. You push through that and reach out more. 06:28 – Charles Valuable Free Resource(VFR): Download The 44 Best Sales Tips of All Time: 07:32 – Q: "What is our process for actually growing a business or formalized process to get the results that we've got?" A: Over the years, over a decade of doing this and traveling the world studying billionaire entrepreneurs, broken down into three things, it's called OSI. Optimization, optimize what you're doing. Systemize what you're doing, so you're creating more leverage in your business. And the last one is innovating. This is where you're breaking models, and you're recreating new ones for breakthrough profits. Boom. Optimization, systemization, and innovation. There you go. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Delusion is not the solution. You got to find some way to just really narrowly focus on your business strategy.” -@charlesgaudet Click To Tweet Info about our correspondent host: Travis has a background in sales,