How to Find the Right Prospect at the Right Time, with the Right Message – In Just 7 Minutes with Sam Richter

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Discover the inside secrets about online information, how to find it in ways most never thought possible, and how to apply it to identify new opportunities, craft a digital reputation, build valuable relationships, and win more business Know how to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time Learn practical ideas you can immediately implement to improve your client prospecting Resources/Links: Sales Intelligence Search Tip Sheet. Discover how to use search engines and other online resources to find the right prospects, at the right company, at the right time, with the right message: Summary Sam Richter is an award-winning speaker and bestselling author and is considered by many to be the "father" of sales intelligence and digital reputation management. He has been named one of the world's Top 25 Most Influential Sales Leaders and has trained tens of thousands of people around the globe. In this episode, Sam shares how to find the right prospect at the right time, with the right message. Check out these episode highlights: 01:27 – Sam's ideal client: I think it's anybody involved in sales. So, I really enjoy working with salespeople, individuals. 02:24 – Problem he helps solve: I think in today's sales world, what's kind of crazy is we have access to more information than probably at any time in history at our fingertips, right? Yet, how many times Tom do you get an email from somebody or a LinkedIn connection that's completely irrelevant, or a sales call or even meet with somebody for coffee and they know nothing about you? So, in a crazy way, we have access to more information, but yet, most people have information overload. There's so much stuff out there, we don't even know where to start. So, you know, what I really teach is how to find that information quickly, the right information. 03:20 – Typical symptoms people experience with that problem? I think they're overwhelmed. And they sometimes, you know, it's a salesperson that oftentimes is feeling that you know, they're getting a lot of rejection, they're not connecting with people. 05:36 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: It's the smiling and dialing. 'Hey, let's go buy a list, or let's use one of those Robo LinkedIn things. And you know, eventually, if I send out enough messages, somebody is going to be interested. And again, mathematically, that'll work. What I find is too often when you do that, yes, you might get lucky that somebody will interact with you, but usually, that person will be interested in lower price versus highest value.' 06:17 – Sam's Valuable Free Action(VFA): Make sure you get some news articles about what's going on in the other person's world before you pick up the phone, before you email. It's amazing what can happen when you just have a little piece of information. How do you do it? Simple. Go to Google type in the name of a company or a person, but usually a company. Now make sure if it's a multi-company name, like Acme Corporation, put that name within quotation marks when you put it within quotation marks, Google will treat that as a single entity. On the results page, you're going to get a, you're going to see some tabs underneath the Google search form. One of them is news, click on that. Now if it's a larger company, you'll get a bunch of news articles. What you can do then there's a little button on the right-hand side called tools, click on the tools button, a drop-down menu will appear. Click on the anytime drop-down menu. And you can sort your news articles by date.