How to Fill Your Prospecting Pipeline – In Just 7 Minutes with Ahmad Munawar

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Learn how to win 5 and 6 figure consulting deals without begging for referrals or wasting time networking Discover why an audience-centric approach to your marketing is important Learn why coming up with great insights and bringing them in front of your target market is essential to fill your prospecting pipeline Resources/Links: How Top 1% Consultants Win 5 & 6 Figure Consulting Deals Every Month (Revealed):Watch this video: Summary Ahmad Munawar is the creator of the 90 Day Pipeline™. He is a marketing coach for consultants and professional service providers. In this episode, Ahmad shares how he help consultants and professional service providers attract dream clients, increase fees and scale their businesses. Check out these episode highlights: 01:06 – Ahmad's ideal client: "I typically work with consultants and professional service providers who have really deep subject matter expertise." 01:46 – Problem Ahmad helps solve: There's a point at which the referral pipeline dries up, and everybody who's sold services knows this, you hang up your own shingle. And then initially you get some deals from the referral. People know you; they like you; they trust you. And maybe you sustain yourself for months, maybe even years doing that but there is a point at which the referral pipeline will dry up and you've got to go out and do some actual marketing to drive business. That's the perfect time for clients to engage me and we get them laser-focused on a specific target market. We position them as the one and only solution on that market and then we get them creating marketing that gets people's attention and sparks conversations. 02:45 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Ahmad: Low lead volume. 04:16 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: "So, the first common mistake is ignoring all of this and hoping the problem will go away. And it happens more than we would care to think. What happens is, you'll ignore the problem and then you'll just hope that you'll land another big client, another whale client, right? That will pay your bills for maybe three months, six months, nine months, and then eventually that deal comes to an end and lo and behold, you're back to where you started. The second big mistake would be outsourcing this. So, there's all kinds of people preying on the consultants and the service providers out there and offering done-for-you outsource marketing services, at my experience, rarely work." 05:42 – Ahmad's Valuable Free Action(VFA): Here's the big thing, come up with really great ideas and get them in front of your target market. Sound simple. That's life-changing. That's game-changing for a business. Come up with some really, really great powerful ideas and get them in front of your target market consistently. Publishing is cheap, and it's available to anybody in a variety of formats. So, you want to find where your clients are hanging out, right, where they're consuming information. And get your very best ideas out in front of them consistently, show up, and provide those insights. And if your ideas are good, and the market is there, you're going to win clients. 06:17 – Ahmad's Valuable Free Action(VFR): How Top 1% Consultants Win 5 & 6 Figure Consulting Deals Every Month (Revealed):Watch this video: 07:18 – Q: "How long does it take to grow a Chinese bamboo tree?" A: It takes five years for the seed for a Chinese bamboo tree to sprout. They water this seed, Chinese farmers water the seed, for five years, no signs of progress for five years.