How to Engineer Growth Systems to Scale Your Business – In Just 7 Minutes with Chris Goegan

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Learn the importance of having the right growth system for your business Discover how the 'Engineered Growth Systems' will help grow a business to whatever level is desired Build a growth system that allow you to take on more clients and more money Resources/Links: Check out Chris’ Website: Summary Are you where you want to be, or, should your business be much bigger than what it is? Do you want to scale up your business but don’t know how to do it? Do you know what growth system best fits your business? Chris Goegan is an expert in engineering scalable growth systems for business owners, brought by the serial combination of his professional engineering and marketing background for 20 years. Chris draws on his background as a high volume manufacturing engineer, in-the-trenches sales professional, marketer, and endurance athlete. In this episode, Chris shares ways on how you can scale up your business with the right growth system. Check out these episode highlights: 02:23 - Chris’ ideal client: “So my ideal client is someone who's ready for a change. They're not having the impact they want, not making the money that they should, working too hard, and there's ready to grow and scale their business.” 02:48 - Problem Chris helps solve: “I help good people grow great businesses, that's the core of it. More specifically, I help grow and scale six-figure and seven-figure businesses with their engineered marketing methodology.” 04:25 - Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Chris: “So there are the obvious signs, like, you know, "We don't have enough leads", or there's, you know, inconsistent income compared to the business growth. But there's really a much, much bigger like symptom that comes up, Tom is that they get miserable.” 05:50 - Common mistakes that people make before they find Chris’ solution: “Yeah, so they go into crazy mode. They can feel good. It feels good when you're doing stuff, "I'm busy. I'm doing stuff. I'm getting things done". They read articles, watch videos, hire people, buy courses, feel good doing stuff, just throwing a lot of mud against the wall. But at the end of the day, they're not getting anywhere.” 06:44 - Chris’ Valuable Free Action (VFA): “I think it's good just to slow down sometimes and hit pause, step back, step out of things, slow down and take inventory. You know, ask yourself- ask yourself the hard questions, you know, 'If I keep going, if I keep doing what I'm doing right now, am I going to get to where I want to go?'” 07:53 - Chris’ Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out Chris’ Website: 08:09 - Q: Why am I doing what I'm doing now? A: I just had this crazy thing, Tom, that's like, you know what, I want to help good people build great businesses, and if they could just focus on taking what they're gifted and talented at and bring that to the world, instead of trying to figure out how this marketing and scaling thing works, they would have a much better life. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “It's good just to slow down sometimes and hit pause, step back, step out of things, slow down and take inventory.” -Chris GoeganClick To Tweet Transcript (Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) Tom Poland 00:10 Hello, everyone,