How to Design and Deliver Group Coaching Programs for Maximum Retention, Results, Referrals, and Re-Enrollment – In Just 7 Minutes with Milana Leshinsky

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Unlock how any expert and entrepreneur can add group coaching to their existing revenue centers seamlessly Learn tools you can spend less time managing your programs and do more of what you love Discover how to deliver your group coaching programs with ease Resources/Links: Checkout Milana Leshinsky's Group Coaching Genie - a platform that allows you to deliver a great coaching experience to more clients in less time: Visit Summary Group coaching is one of the best ways to serve more clients in less time. Without the right tools, however, it's easy to get overwhelmed and get lost in the details of managing your coaching groups. When you have a growing coaching business, you need a simple way to bring your ideas to life quickly. Milana Leshinsky is an entrepreneur, business strategist, and a marketing mentor to coaches, authors, and speakers. She is the author of "Coaching Millions" and "Simplicity Entrepreneurship: Escape Burnout, Find Flow, and Discover Your Shortest Path to Profit". When she's not working on her business, Milana writes music and enjoys Latin ballroom dancing. In this episode, Milana talks about how coaches can be in complete control of their group coaching programs with maximum retention, results, referrals, and re-enrollment using one magic button called 'Group Coaching Genie.' And why is it important to focus on simplicity when you have a growing coaching business in order to bring your ideas to life quickly. Check out these episode highlights: 01:28 – Milana's ideal client: "The ideal client is a coach or trainer who offers live group coaching programs to their clients on any topic.Or the ones that want to leverage their business and expertise into a group program format." 01:53 – Problem Milana helps solve: "The problem with a group coaching program is that they allow you to work with more clients in less time and as a result, make more money. But the setup and the delivery can get really complicated. So, it stops a lot of people from even coming up with a group coaching program and really experiencing the benefit of a lifestyle that group coaching can give you." 02:42 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Milana: " So, many coaches end up burned out. They're experiencing, they're over-delivering, they're overworking, when they're working with a group." 03:31 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Milana and her solution?: "The first one is they keep their group size small, like a manageable size. So, they never actually get to scale their business." 04:29 – Milana's Valuable Free Action(VFA): "Focus on simplicity. What is the simplest way for you to deliver your program. The simplest for you and the simplest for your clients, that's it." 05:51 – Milana's Valuable Free Resource (VFR):Checkout Milana Leshinsky's Group Coaching Genie - a platform that allows you to deliver a great coaching experience to more clients in less time: Visit 06:42 – Q: How did you come up with the idea for group coaching genie? A: I was just about to deliver a program that I had just delivered six months before and I realized that I already have all this stuff, but it's all over the place, all over the hard drive and everywhere, my notes and my replays and all of that. And I thought there's got to be a magic button that I can push and my program will appear in front of me again, magically. And so, group coaching genie has that button, we call this button clone your program.