How to Create a Sales Message that Gets the Door Opened – In Just 7 Minutes with Caryn Kopp

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Learn how to craft 'The Right Message' that helps you get through to the right decision-makers and brings the exact language that piques their interest so they listen and invite you in Know 'The Right Process' to get invited in by the person with the authority to buy your products or services Find-out how to be persistent in sales without annoying your prospects and how not to give up on a prospect Resources/Links: Check out: Summary Caryn Kopp is the Chief Door Opener® at Kopp Consulting whose Door Opener® Service has helped thousands of business leaders and salespeople secure initial meetings with high-level decision-makers in almost every major company including P&G, GE, Merck, Verizon, Kraft, Target, CBS, and the list goes on. A best-selling author, nationally recognized speaker, and an expert in Business Development, Caryn can be seen in Inc., Forbes, and Newsweek and she is a faculty member of Verne Harnish’s Gazelles Growth Institute. In this episode, Caryn shares how she helps thousands of business leaders and salespeople secure initial meetings with high-level decision-makers through a well-crafted sales message that gets her clients “in the door” with their prospects. Check out these episode highlights: 01:55 – Caryn's ideal client: "Our ideal client is a business leader who needs more executive-level meetings than they can get on their own. Either through themselves or with their sales teams." 02:17– Problem Caryn helps solve: The problem that we're solving is getting these doors open and saying something that really matters to the decision-makers. 03:21 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Caryn: "Fewer than desired meetings. That's an obvious one. But another obvious one is too many decision-makers who say that they're not interested,'No, thank you.'" 04:14 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: Sometimes they fire their salespeople instead of changing their message. 05:11 – Caryn's Valuable Free Action(VFA): They can incorporate what we call the Kopp-Gap Method of sales messaging. It doesn't solve the entire sales messaging problem, but here's a little strategy for you. It's three sentences, it's fill in the blank. "Anyone can ________," and you fill in the blank, "But not everyone can ________," and you fill in the blank. Example statement: "Anybody can say they give great customer service, but not everyone can prove it. For example..." and then you layer something in that's incredibly powerful. 06:11 – Caryn's Valuable Free Resource(VFR): They can visit our website, which is 06:49 – Q: "When should somebody give up on a prospect?" A: In our world, as long as you've done a really good job targeting, and that means taking a wide group of prospects and making it more narrow. Focusing solely on those people who would find you too, one, be an obvious solution. Two, willingly pay what you want to charge for your products and services. And then also feel urgency around having a meeting and taking the next steps. So, if you can narrowly define your target group like that, there is no reason to give up on a prospect. In fact, Dan Kennedy said, "The difference between garbage and salad is timing." So, hang in there, because your competition won't. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “The difference between garbage and salad is timing.” -@chiefdooropener quoting Dan KennedyClick To Tweet Transcript