How to Build Influence – In Just 7 Minutes with Brian Basilico

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Learn what relationship marketing is all about Know the three kinds of posts when you're dealing with social media The importance of interaction with your audience before you blast your sales pitch Resources/Links: Best Note Taking App | Organize Your Notes with Evernote Summary   Brian Basilico is an award-winning, internationally recognized author and speaker (and a self-professed geek). He’s the founder and president of B2b Interactive Marketing Inc., an award-winning marketing consulting and production company in Aurora, Illinois. In this episode of Marketing the Invisible, Brian shares how to build influence by building an authentic relationship. Check out these episode highlights: 00:45 – Brian Basilico’s professional background as ‘The Master of Marketing Sizzle!’ 02:07 – His ideal clients - a business that has a 20-year-old as their receptionist marketing person and the owner is about 50 years old and they know that they need to do online marketing. And they say you know what. I know nothing about this I don't want to learn it. 02:58 – The lead generation problems he helps to solve through creating relationships 03:27 –The symptoms his clients experience when trying to achieve the lead flow and sales conversation problem 04:47 – The mistakes his clients do when trying to solve their leads and conversation problems 05:22 – Brian’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): Learn how to use the 3 kinds of posts when you're dealing with social media: engagement post, content post, and a sales post 06:55 – Brian’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Best Note Taking App | Organize Your Notes with Evernote 07:51 – What's the bacon about? Bacon is an acronym. B-uilding, A-uthentic, C-onnections, O-nline N-etworking Tweetable Takeaway from this Episode: “The biggest problem with most marketing is people are so into selling they don't understand the nature and the benefit of developing relationships.” - @bbasilicoClick To Tweet “If you develop relationships you have a long-term client for life.” - @bbasilicoClick To Tweet Transcript: (Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) Tom Poland: Hello everyone. A very warm welcome to another edition of Marketing the Invisible. Tom Poland:My name is Tom Poland and I live on the sand a Little Castaways Beach in Queensland Australia. Joined today all the way from where the heck you hanging out, Brian? Brian Basilico: I'm Hanging out in Aurora Illinois which is right outside of Chicago Wayne's World Party on excellent. Tom Poland: Well you can't really get two more different parts of the planet. I mean you're in the darkness. I'm in the sunshine. You're not like I'm on a little beach and yet here we are with modern miracle of the internet web thingy. Tom Poland: Let's rock and roll. Tom Poland:For those of you don't know Brian. He is an award winning internationally recognized author. I mean he really is not like the other people who say that so there is a global speaker. He's a self-confessed geek which you probably tell by the special effect lighting is got happening there. Tom Poland:He's a founder of B2B Interactive Marketing Inc. It's an award winning marketing consultancy and production company in Aurora, Illinois founded in 2001. Tom Poland:The part I want to get in here because the rest of his bio reads like Warren pieces that impress you. Also that long but I want to get in here is tha...