How to Become a Limitless Performer – In Just 7 Minutes with JV Crum III

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Discover how you can become limitless and fulfill your purpose through your business Learn more on the value of focusing and knowing more about who you are and what you want Find out why you should be focusing more on only one priority outcome rather than a lot Resources/Links: Wanting to Make Millions by Helping More People? Find More on How You Can Make Your Impact into Millions: Summary Have you ever felt like you weren’t fulfilling your full purpose and potential? Do you want to know how you can make millions while doing your full purpose? Are you ready to dig deeper into who you are and make a big impact on the world? JV Crum III, “The Conscious Millionaire Mentor” helps entrepreneurial higher performers become limitless performers! He is the host of the Conscious Millionaire Show that has been heard by millions of listeners in 190 countries. His focus is coaching entrepreneurs to make high profits and a big impact! In this episode, JV shares his insights on how you can make your work more fulfilling and better for your purpose while gaining millions of profit. He also talks about the importance of focusing on one goal instead of many at first. Check out these episode highlights: 02:07 - JV’s ideal client: “My ideal client is a well-established six-figure entrepreneur, seven or early eight-figure. So up to about 20 million who I work with. And, you know, they've accomplished a lot with their life, but they want to make a big impact on the world.” 02:50 - Problem JV helps solve: “So it's a complex problem, actually. Because, you know, usually people come to someone and they go, "Oh, well, I need affiliate." So that's just a single problem. But the people who come to me, they genuinely want to make more money.” 03:36 - Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to JV: “Well, you know, it's interesting, because it's Conscious Millionaire. And I put a lot of inputs into impact, and everybody I work with wants to make an impact. But I can tell you, as a coach, as somebody who does high-end coaching with clients, every one of them wants to make more money.” 04:33 - Common mistakes that people make before they find JV’s solution: “Well, you know, at the foundation level of being a high performer, there are three pieces. It's the mindset- the internal, the consciousness- it's strategies, which can include your business model and execution.” 05:30 - JV’s Valuable Free Action (VFA): “I want to give you my formula for creating wealth. And it's conscious-focused action. So, you got to get conscious of let's have one outcome 30 days from now. What is that number one priority outcome and why are you choosing that number one priority over everything else you could?” 06:38 - JV’s Valuable Free Resource (VFR): Check out JV’s Empowerment Audio: 08:29 - Q: Why did you start Conscious Millionaire? A: It was because I had made millions and did it the empty way and was not happy and wasn't fulfilled. So, I want to help people make millions, but by doing something that's on purpose that fulfills them and makes a difference. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “You can't build a bigger business 'till you build a bigger identity of who you are and what's possible for you.” -JV Crum IIIClick To Tweet Transcript (Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may n...