How to Attract Your Dream Clients Using Mastermind – In Just 7 Minutes with Susan Epstein

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Learn how to build a tight-knit network of connections through a mastermind Find out how to expand your client base through creating a high-quality mastermind and use it as a foundation to pop out the high paying clients Discover why you should call your friends, family, and prior customers if you are planning to start a mastermind Resources/Links: Download Susan Epstein's Free Report: 5 Simple Steps on How to Fill Your Mastermind: Sign-up at Summary When it comes to mastermind groups, deciding which program to join, or who to invite is going to set the success of the program. Many coaches shoot themselves in the foot because they think they've 'got it all figured out'. The sad truth is they do not know how to start their own tribe of people who will pay for what they knows. Guidance and mentorship from people with a proven track record is a game-changer. They've figured out the blueprint to success. All you have to do is soak up their knowledge and apply what they tell you. Susan Epstein is a business coach and strategist working with coaches, therapists, and healers to fill their practices and then leverage their time. She does this by offering, Masterclasses, Masterminds, Group Coaching Programs and Individual Coaching. Susan coaches her clients to follow her model by focusing on taking consistent action, eliminating distraction, finding their ONE THING and then focusing on constant reevaluation in order to hit their business goal. In this episode, Susan shares how she helps business coaches create a foundation with groups or masterminds so that they can work with a lot of people at the same time. And therefore, grow their following and their client base and use that as a foundation to pop out the high paying clients. Check out these episode highlights: 01:40 – Susan's ideal client: "My ideal client is a coach who's building their business currently, and they have some clients and maybe they're starting to feel a little bit, like, I have all these one on one clients and I'm running out of time and I'm doing everything myself. ." 02:05 – Problem Susan helps solve: "I help them create a foundation with groups or masterminds or both so that they can work with a lot of people at the same time. And therefore, grow their following and their client base and use that as a foundation to pop out the high paying clients." 02:45 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Susan: "It's lack of time, their pricing is probably off. They might be charging like a consultant rather than a coach." 04:49 – What are some of the common mistakes that folks make before finding Susan and her solution?: "They create a lot of content on the back end and have nobody to share it with on the front end. That's a big one. They think it's easy to just put up a post and have a lot of people join their programs. They don't understand that most coaching, the way that you end up signing people up or enrolling them is through a conversation." 05:34 – Susan's Valuable Free Action(VFA): Make a list of 50 to 100 people that you know, they don't have to be people that will actually sign up for your programs, they're just people that you know. Everybody is a referral partner or a prospect, every single person that you know in your life. And call them up, talk to them. 06:55 – Susan's Valuable Free Action(VFR): Sign-up to Jennifer's Create Consistent $10,000 Months Program: