From Lurker to Influencer on LinkedIn – In Just 7 Minutes with Joe Apfelbaum

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Learn how to use the connector’s mindset and become a networking pro on LinkedIn Discover why instead of waiting for people to come to you and hope for the best, you need to have the strategy, assets, and accountability in place and be consistent with your social marketing efforts Know why you need to be a connector if you want to get MORE REFERRALS, be top of mind all the time, and if you want to generate even more revenue from LinkedIn Resources/Links: How to Use the Connector's Mindset and Become a Networking Pro on LinkedIn: Summary Joe Apfelbaum is the CEO of Ajax Union, a B2B digital marketing agency based in Brooklyn, NY. Joe is a business strategist, marketing expert and certified Google trainer. In this episode, Joe shares how he helps coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs, sales professionals move up to the next level, become an influencer and be consistent with their success by leveraging their relationships on LinkedIn. Check out these episode highlights: 01:19 – Joe's ideal client: Our ideal clients are coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs, sales professionals that want to be able to leverage their relationships on LinkedIn. 02:14 – Problem he helps solve: Help his ideal clients overcome the fear of putting themselves out to the world and be visible to their market. 03:39 – Typical symptoms people experience when trying to solve that problem: They're not going to have clients, that's number one, they're not going to be getting on phone calls with people. The clients that they are going to get are going to be based through desperation, whoever reaches out to you randomly, instead of getting your most ideal client. 05:00 – Common mistakes that people make when trying to solve that problem: The biggest mistake that people face when it comes to LinkedIn is that they spend all their time in the feed wasting time. 06:07 – Joe's Valuable Free Action(VFA): Set a goal as to how many people you want to speak to each day. 07:04 – Joe's Valuable Free Resource(VFR):How to Use the Connector's Mindset and Become a Networking Pro on LinkedIn : Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Set a goal as to how many people you want to speak to each day.” -@joeapfelbaumClick To Tweet Info about our correspondent host:Travis has a background in sales, marketing, and strategy, and left the corporate world several years ago to start his own agency. As a copywriter by trade, his biggest skill is putting the right words, in front of the right people, at the right time. Travis has developed go-to-market strategies for grassroots apps to Fortune 500 and helped optimize up to $50k per day in Facebook Ad spend for one of the biggest startups in Asia. Transcript (Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast) Travis Bennett 0:09 Hi everyone, and welcome to another edition of Marketing The Invisible. My name is Travis Bennett. And I'm rocking it to you out of Yangon in Myanmar, proving you can literally be anywhere in the world and make your business a success. I'm joined today by Joe Apfelbaum. Joe, a very, very warm welcome. Joe Apfelbaum 0:24 Thank you. Yay, I'm so excited to be here. Boom. Travis Bennett 0:27 Where are you hanging out today? Joe Apfelbaum 0:29 So today I am hanging out in Brooklyn, New York. I'm actually in my man cave and this is what it looks like.