Conversational and Emotional Intelligence Needed in the Workplace – In Just 7 Minutes with Robyn Vintiner

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Learn how to create a sense of clarity about the drama free life you really want to have Determine the #1 thing stopping you from having the peaceful life you want Identify the most powerful actions that will move you towards the life you desire Resources/Links: Five Steps to Take Back Your Power and Find Direction in Life. It's Time to Be the Best You Can Be : Summary Robyn Vintiner is a clarity coach. She help leaders transform stress and anxiety into confidence, clarity, and achievement. In this episode, Robyn shares how she helps individuals who are experiencing challenges in their relationships in the workplace and in their home life create a sense of clarity about the drama-free life they really want to have. Check out these episode highlights: 01:15 – Robyn's ideal client: Those ladies who are stressed at work because they are in their own small business and they're doing everything. Or they're in a bigger organization and they've got pressure to perform. 01:51 – Problem she helps solve: They actually don't see or recognize the triggers that are causing this stress. 02:26 – Typical symptoms that clients do before reaching out to Robyn: Overwhelmed, irritable, maybe even angry. Judging or criticizing others more and perhaps not feeling supported the way they used to be because they've behaved in such a way that people don't actually want to be around them anymore. Or they may drink more alcohol than they used to, to numb them of what they're feeling. 03:14 – Common mistakes people make when trying to solve that problem: They don't realize how bad everything has got. And they don't seek help. 04:09 – Robyn's Valuable Free Action(VFA): Just to stop where you are right at this moment. Take two or three deep breaths. Close your eyes if you can, if you're not driving. And feel into what are you feeling physically and emotionally. And until you know what you're feeling right now, you actually can't make improvements or change anything. That's like driving a car, you can't get somewhere if you don't know where. 05:06 – Robyn's Valuable Free Resource(VFR): Five Steps to Take Back Your Power and Find Direction in Life 06:03 – Q:"why do I choose to change career and go into life coaching after I've had a very successful career as a physiotherapist?" A: It’s sort of twofold really like one I realized I was getting a lot of people who were coming for physical problems but they had all this baggage, they had all this stuff going on that was creating the stress on them. And therefore, they weren't healing quite as quickly as they could. And people don't realize how powerful that is in their lives. And then also my own journey when I got really depressed at one point and all the help, I got from energy healers and coaches and so on really made me keen. And I just felt that purpose in me was now shifting from helping physical things to more emotional, mental, and psychological, spiritual sort of aspects of people's lives. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “ There's so much research out there now that is linking the stress treatments that they need in the hospital for major illnesses that all could be helped if they just knew how to cope with the stress.” -@rejuven8orClick To Tweet Info about our correspondent host:Travis has a background in sales, marketing, and strategy, and left the corporate world several years ago to start his own agency. As a copywriter by trade, his biggest skill is putting the right words, in front of the right people,