3 Critical Elements That’ll Transform Any Online Course into a Viral Phenomenon – In Just 7 Minutes with Marisa Murgatroyd

Marketing The Invisible - Ein Podcast von Tom Poland


 Discover the 3 critical elements that’ll transform any online course into a viral phenomenon Learn how to make your program sell more, eliminate refunds, boost completion rates and get pages of success stories Know how to make your program or course look irresistible for just pennies on the dollar Resources/Links: The 10-Step "Viral Product Checklist": How to Make More Sales, Eliminate Refunds, Boost Completion Rates & Get Pages of Success Stories*: https://www.liveyourmessage.com/tom Summary Marisa Murgatroyd is the Founder of Live Your Message and the creator of the Experience Product Masterclass where she helps entrepreneurs sell more online programs and get better, faster results for their students. Marisa started her career as an artist who was told by her father that she had no marketable skills. She figured out how to build a mid-seven figure online business anyway and she's shown over 5,000 students how to succeed online -- many of whom also felt like they had no marketable skills or were told they couldn't do it. In this episode, Marisa shares how she helps online entrepreneurs get off the technology treadmill, find their true voice, and build an enduring online platform that will long outlive the “trend-of-the-moment”. Check out these episode highlights: 01:52 – Marisa's ideal client: People, entrepreneurs, who want to grow their business using some kind of online program, digital course or info product. 02:34 – Problem she helps solve: The problem I solve is people have trouble either selling enough programs or getting the people who do buy all the way to the end. So, they get results and want to buy from them again and refer them. 02:24 – Typical symptoms people experience with that problem? Some of the symptoms might be having a program that's either not selling, or a program that is selling but you know could be performing better. 04:17 – Common mistakes they're going to make? one big mistake is actually designing the wrong product for your stage of business growth. 06:49 – Marisa's Valuable Free Action(VFA): I recommend a single point program, especially if you've got something under like 5000 bucks. And the way you decide on the single outcome as you want something so clear, and so specific that you could almost film someone crossing the finish line to Mission accomplished. It's binary, either someone's done it, or they haven't done it. There's no ambiguity and no uncertainty. 08:58 – Marisa's Valuable Free Resource(VFR): The 10-Step "Viral Product Checklist": How to Make More Sales, Eliminate Refunds, Boost Completion Rates & Get Pages of Success Stories*: https://www.liveyourmessage.com/tom 08:58 – Q:'One piece of advice?' A: So many people approach product creation based on what they want to sell, what they want to offer, what they want to provide. So, I recommend taking the opposite approach. It's based on a quote by Zig Zigler, you can have everything you want in life if you'll just help enough other people get what they want. So, figure out what you can do for people, what result you can get them, how you can transform their lives in a very specific way. And everything will change in your business. If you just focus on getting people results and delivering on your promise. . Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “You can have everything you want in life if you'll just help enough other people get what they want.” Marisa Murgatroyd, quoting Zig ZiglarClick To Tweet Transcript (Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may ...