:pez (Peter Strömberg distills CIDER to make Calva)
Lost in Lambduhhs - Ein Podcast von Jordan Miller aka Lambduhhh
Calva is distilled from CIDER both in spirit (trying to recreate the CIDER experience in VS Code) and de facto, using much of the same tech.The latter means that, like with CIDER, Calva's Interactive Programming support is made from the produce of The Orchard by proxy of cider-nrepl, a collection of powerful nREPL ops.Calva also has a strong static suite, much thanks to clojure-lsp and clj-kondo Many people are enjoying Calva together with Portal or Reveal both of which are very strong and delightful tools for working with, and visualizing, result structures.Calva treats beginners, wether with Calva or Clojure, with an interactive Getting Started REPL experience.The getting started experience includes an interactive Clojure guide, which is hosted as one of the drams in the Dram repository. The goal is to bring the guides to any Clojure editor.The guide is also available in Zero-install browser version: Get Started with Clojure It is easy to Hack on Calva. PRs welcome! Reach out to the Calva Team and we will be happy to assist.The Calva Team: Peter Strömberg Brandon Ringe Cora Sutton Lukas Domagala If you want to sponsor Calva with donations, please see Sponsoring Calva