Disney's Fascist Stormtrooper Plot with Dahlya Glick
Lizard People: Comedy and Conspiracy Theories - Ein Podcast von Lizard People
Isn't it weird how Star Wars bad guys have become so popular? How little kids dress up as Nazi allegories for Halloween? Well if you're like our funny and thoughtful guest Dahlya Glick, you think there's something more nefarious going on than just smart toy merchandising. See, some people suspect that what Disney is really doing by making us love and identify with stormtroopers is furthering their fascist and anti-semitic plot to take over the world. THROUGH COSTUMES AND TOYS! Together with Dahlya we cover it all, from her epic breakdown in line for the Peter Pan ride all the way to racist cops and replacement vape juice cartridges. Meander with us through the web of conspiracies surrounding a galaxy far, far away.