Leni Zumas: Litquake's Lit Cast Episode 89

Litquake's "Lit Cast Live" series of events at Bay Area bookstores continues with Leni Zumas, on tour for her novel RED CLOCKS. The New York Times describes Zumas as having "a perfectly tuned ear for the way measures to restrict lives and enforce social confirmity are couched in the moralizing sentimentalism of children's needs" and her novel "a clear and well-constructed extrapolation of the current debate." RED CLOCKS is Zumas's second novel, following her darkly funny debut THE LISTENERS in 2012. This appearance was recorded live at The Booksmith in San Francisco.  https://www.facebook.com/litquake  https://twitter.com/Litquake

Om Podcasten

Litquake is San Francisco's nine-day literary festival for booklovers, complete with cutting-edge panel discussions, unique cross-media events, and hundreds of readings. Litquake's Lit Cast is our selection of live recordings from the "Epicenter", a monthly series which embraces a theater of ideas between writers and readers.