Lifting The Lid - Episode 35 - The one where we listen with Grandpa and Artificial Intelligence rules the world

Lifting the Lid on Coaching Supervision - Ein Podcast von Clare Norman & Steve Ridgley - Dienstags


Clare and Steve discuss a scenario about the future of coaching using AI, where AI augments what the human can offer rather than replacing them. They look at how AI can spot patterns and join dots that coaches might miss and that the learning can be live in the moment rather than sometime later, so useful for the Thinker in the session. They also ponder on how the coach would stay present with the Thinker if data was being presented by the AI through a format that might be distracting. They question how biased or not an AI might be, given its programming would come from a human in the first place; and they talk about the possibility of chatbots asking process questions only. They note how this isn’t so far into the future, given how many of the constituent parts are already developed for other purposes. And yet, AI doesn’t (yet) have the use of intuition (or does it?). And finally we talk about how training for coaches will change over time as AI gets more integral to the way we work and how mentor coaching might use AI to spot where a coach could improve without the need for a mentor coach.With thanks to Professor David Clutterbuck and Henley Business School Centre for Coaching for the AI 'case study' from their webinar - Supervision series - I don't need a Supervisor: I've got Google.

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