Lifting The Lid - Episode 17 - The one where the answer doesn’t come in the form of a 9” dinner plate

Lifting the Lid on Coaching Supervision - Ein Podcast von Clare Norman & Steve Ridgley - Dienstags


Clare and Steve build on the lockdown metaphor to explore the imperative that we bring all of ourselves to supervision. How are we impacted in all the dimensions of our lives by lockdown and the pandemic? How is it impacting our thinking, our body, our behaviour, our emotions? They propose that supervision isn’t just about the client and the coaching work but is more systemic. Bringing the whole of ourselves means considering all of the systems and contexts we operate in, not just the systems the client is in. This might include the shared experiences and impacts from our supervision group and those we share with society as a whole, such as a pandemic. Expanding the idea, born from the lockdown, that we seek to go back to normal, Clare and Steve instead see this as an opportunity for deep reflection and personal exploration of who we are becoming as a coach and as a human being. What is accentuated by the lockdown experience, what new learning might we seek to retain in new possible futures and what might we need to discard? Clare shares how art reflecting a separate part of her life provided awareness that helped her move forward and Steve shares a development workshop experience from his past that offered a new perspective.

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