GOODBYE Public Speaking Fear! W/ Hannah Mckenna

Public speaking is scarier than DEATH to most people. And honestly, I GET THAT… in my life I have been terrified to be up on stage performing anything, let alone being myself, naturally and without a script of any kind. Maybe you can relate to the discomfort involved in public speaking? In this episode, Hannah Mckenna, an actress since she was a little girl, will share her experience on how she overcame the obstacles of performing on stage and also how THE WORST EXPERIENCE IMAGINABLE became her greatest helper. (Hint: this experience was a F*** up on stage with a live audience). I hope you enjoy this episode, and I hope you can live a life without the fear of being yourself, which I believe is our greatest superpower! Enjoy!

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This podcast is here to show men how to overcome past trauma and experience emotional freedom so they can create deep, healthy relationships and embody their gift in their work. I believe if we change men we change the world, and the biggest change I see is to have men reconnect with their heart. Men have been taught that feeling emotion makes them "weak", I am here to say that some of the strongest men are tapped into their emotions. And as we learn to tap into our heart, a whole new world opens up that is filled with creativity, depth, joy, abundance and a true sense of freedom.