Extraordinarily Vulnerable Shares From Travis Dreger

In this episode you will experience Travis and I have a conversation about the moments in his life that he has held some of the most shame around!  This is not a normal podcast, but rather more of a conversation where I hold space for Travis to share what he's been wanting to share.  Travis is at a point in his life where he is ready to expand, and he felt ready to share in-depth with us today.  So, sit back, relax, and soak up the courage Travis mustered to share what he shared today!

Om Podcasten

This podcast is here to show men how to overcome past trauma and experience emotional freedom so they can create deep, healthy relationships and embody their gift in their work. I believe if we change men we change the world, and the biggest change I see is to have men reconnect with their heart. Men have been taught that feeling emotion makes them "weak", I am here to say that some of the strongest men are tapped into their emotions. And as we learn to tap into our heart, a whole new world opens up that is filled with creativity, depth, joy, abundance and a true sense of freedom.