Disconnect to Reconnect

Loneliness, isolation, a pile of virtual friends we hope will fill the void. Maggie Kelly discusses what she feels to be an epidemic of loneliness in our society. We need to be connected to be emotionally well. We need to have human interaction with one another to feel "ok." The loneliness and isolation we experience as a society these days also has mental and physical health repercussions - the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes each day.  Spiritual, Life and Meditation Coach Maggie Kelly recommends meditation and mindfulness as a means to reconnect first to yourself and second, to one another. Put the phone down, talk to the guy next to you, to the grocery store clerk, to the woman on the bus. Disconnect to reconnect.  www.maggiekelly.com  

Om Podcasten

What's stopping you from living the life you envision? Old stories? Engrained and conditioned limiting beliefs? Tune in to the Life Illuminated podcast for inspiring stories shared by people just like you who have taken the leap to recreate and reinvent their lives and confront the roadblocks and obstacles standing in their way. Weekly episodes will inspire you to live a life illuminated by awakening to your innate gifts and talents. In her unique way, Spiritual Mentor, Life Coach and Meditation Teacher Maggie will inspire you with engaging and thought-provoking interviews as well as dharma talks of Buddhist and other spiritual teachings certain to challenge you to reconnect to your innermost self. www.satsanghouse.com or www.maggiekelly.com