Keep Calm and Enjoy Christmas

•5 Tips for Choosing Joy this Christmas Season• The holidays are about family. At the core, the Christmas story is about a baby being born into a family — for Humanity. So whatever you do this Christmas, know that simplicity will come when Christmas is celebrated in a way that allows us to be present for the ones we love most. FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and social media are very good at keeping us busy. Here's the thing — If we try and do all things, we only end up exhausted. We want our kids to grow up with wonderful memories from their childhood. Be intentional.

Om Podcasten

The glory of Motherhood comes camouflaged in so much chaos. But when we will allow motherhood to define us it’s only then we can truly see the uniqueness, traits, talents and God given abilities that reflect our Heavenly Father. The goal of this podcast is to get back to believing that motherhood is a sacred place. If we let him God can do some of his best work in us during this season called #momlife. Our identity is not lost because we are raising others but rather FOUND. So let’s talk faith, motherhood, health, self care and more as I share my motherhood experiences and truths.