134 - Museum Ethics feat. Brigit
librarypunk - Ein Podcast von librarypunk

This week we’re talking about museums, ethics, and taxonomy. Probably other stuff too! Media mentioned https://www.geocurator.org/images/resources/geocurator/vol7/geocurator_7_6.pdf#page=14 "FRONTIERS TO SCIENCE: FREE TRADE AND MUSEUM ETHICS" by Tristram P. Besterman, 2001 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-69005527 "US curator denies smuggling scorpions and spiders from Istanbul" BBC News, 2024 https://webarchive.unesco.org/web/20230926050719/https://en.unesco.org/cultnatlaws/list The web archived version of the UNESCO database for national cultural heritage laws, which ....they've taken down from their website for some reason? I was literally working from this list last year so idk what happened https://www.audubon.org/news/the-history-and-evolution-migratory-bird-treaty-act The Audubon website's heavily summarised history of the MBTA; pay particular note to the blurbs under 1900 and 1916 https://www.ducks.org/ The Ducks Unlimited website. Note Conservation and Hunting as top two tabs. https://www.ducks.ca/about/our-partners/ The Ducks Unlimited Canada website page of corporate partners! Count the number of oil pipelines! https://pridesource.com/article/stomping-spots-queer-feelings-for-a-bad-bug-heading-to-michigan Episode transcript in HTML (download to view): https://pastecode.io/s/e7ye92tz Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/zzEpV9QEAG