Liv Reads Ovid: The Metamorphoses, Book XV

Liv reads the final section, Book 15, of Ovid's Metamorphoses, translated by Brookes More. Mythology melds with the history of, weirdly, Pythagoras?, and Rome with Caesar being deified and other such Latin nonsense. Help keep LTAMB going by subscribing to Liv's Patreon for bonus content! This is not a standard narrative story episode, it's a reading of an ancient source, audiobook style. For regular episodes look for any that don't have "Liv Reads..." in the title! For a list of Roman/Latin names and who they were in the Greek, visit: Attributions and licensing information for music used in the podcast can be found here: for privacy information.

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The most entertaining and enraging stories from mythology told casually, contemporarily, and (let's be honest) sarcastically. Greek and Roman gods did some pretty weird (and awful) things. Liv focuses on Greek and Roman mythology's (mis)treatment of women, the wild things the gods did, and the all around incredible minds of the ancient world. Gods, goddesses, heroes, monsters, and everything in between. Regular episodes every Tuesday, conversations with authors and scholars or readings of ancient epics every Friday.