EP 50:Finding Clarity + Courage in every season. Interview w/ Rachel Awtrey-Behind the Bliss Podcast

Struggling with finding clarity? In a new season of life and wondering how to know the next right thing? Overwhelmed by life’s obligations or worried about how you don’t measure up? This episode is for you! I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with my good friend, Rachel Awtrey of Behind the Bliss Podcast and it so encouraged my soul! God can cover every gap. He is generous with His wisdom. His perfection really is sufficient and His kindness is unmatched. Praying for your courage and your clarity as you dig into today’s episode!

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Welcome to Let's Be Cleere! This is a podcast where we get CLEAR about how to find a Kingdom perspective in ALL THINGS. My hope is that this podcast is a space we get raw and honest about what matters and lean into Jesus together. We will also have bonus episodes including interviews and additional content.