1.24. Συγγνώμη, μήπως είσαι...;

Διάλογος: -Συγγνώμη, είσαι ο Νίκος; -Ναι… εσύ; μήπως είσαι η Ελένη; -Όχι, δεν είμαι η Ελένη. Είμαι η αδερφή της, η Κατερίνα. Τι κάνεις, Νίκο; Είσαι καλά; -Ναι, μια χαρά. Eσύ πώς είσαι; -Πολύ καλά. Δουλεύω  κι εγώ τώρα στην Αθήνα. -Τέλεια. Η οικογένειά σου;  είναι καλά; -Πολύ καλά. Μένουν στη Θεσσαλονίκη. -Αλήθεια; Πηγαίνω κι εγώ συχνά εκεί, για τη δουλειά μου. Εσύ δουλεύεις κάθε μέρα; -Ναι από τη Δευτέρα μέχρι την Παρασκευή. -Ωραία. Πάμε για καφέ αύριο ή μεθαύριο; -Φυσικά. Έχεις το τηλέφωνό μου; -Όχι… -Λοιπόν, είναι 698 587 1432. -Τέλεια. Τα λέμε. Καλή σου μέρα. -Γεια σου. Dialogue: -Excuse me, are you Nikos? -Yes. And you? Are you Eleni? - No, I'm not Eleni. I am her sister, Katerina. How are you, Niko? Are you well? -Yes I am good. How are you? -Very well. I also work now in Athens. -Perfect. Your family? Are they well? -Very well. They live in Thessaloniki. -Really? I often go there too, for my work. Do you work every day? -Yes, from Monday to Friday. -Nice. Shall we go for coffee tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? -Of course. Do you have my phone? -No… -Well, it 's 698 587 1432. -Perfect. See you. Have a nice day. -Bye --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/learning-greek-a-modern-o/message

Om Podcasten

"It's all Greek to me" you may hear....but actually think about all these Greek words that you already know and you use in your everyday life: theatre, music, dialogue, melancholy, Europe, planet, phobia and so many others... So, Greek is not that unfamiliar to you. Don't think it twice! Start this Greek language journey and who knows? This summer, you may find yourself speaking Greek on a beautiful Greek island!