The Real Estate UnSalesPerson • Barry Karch

Keeping It Real Podcast • Secrets Of Top 1% REALTORS ® • Interviews With Real Estate Brokers & Agents - Ein Podcast von D.J. Paris


Barry Karch from Barry and Tammy Karch in El Paso, Texas talks about what it's like to be an introverted real estate agent. D.J. and Barry discuss how difficult it is to approach to people and start a conversation. Barry describes how his business has changed since Covid19. Barry also describes the advantages introverted agents have in the real estate business. Next, Barry talks about social media and how introverts can participate. Last, Barry describes how he keeps in touch with his previous clients. Please check out Barry's The Real Estate UnSalesPerson Podcast. If you’d prefer to watch this interview, click here to view on YouTube! Barry Karch can be reached at 915-549-4663. This episode is brought to you by iGuide. Transcript D.J. Paris 0:00Today's episode is brought to you by eye guide agents you already know you need professional photography for your listings. But do you know what else you need that is equally important but overlooked by the majority of Realtors, 3d tours and accurate floor plans. National Association of REALTORS has found that buyers rate floor plans as the third most important part of a listing even more important than neighborhood information. Also 20% of buyers will ignore listings that do not contain floor plans. Ai guide has the most accurate floor plans and best virtual tour technology in the industry. Visit go i To find a local photographer for your next listing. top producers know the value of floor plans and virtual tours. Take your business to the next level by visiting go i That's go the letter i And now onto our show. Hello, and welcome to another episode of Keeping it real the largest podcast made by real estate agents and for real estate agents. My name is DJ Paris, I am your guide and host through the show and in just a moment, we're going to be speaking with Barry Carter, who is known as the real estate on salesperson and specifically for all of you out there going how come you don't interview a lot of introverts? Well, today we are interviewing an introvert who has become a very successful realtor. And I think his story will be very inspiring and he'll provide a lot of insight for all of us that don't consider ourselves extroverts. I personally think of myself as an introvert. So I love this conversation. So please speak with Barry in just a moment. But before we get to Barry, just a couple of quick reminders. Whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, how about helping us grow our show by just telling one other agent about us. So think of one other real estate professional that could benefit from hearing this great conversation you're about to hear from Barry and send them a link to our show. So they can send you can send them right over to our website which is keeping it real or pull up whatever podcast app they're using and search for keeping it real hit that subscribe button and also please leave us a review. You know if you're listening in Apple podcasts or Spotify or Pandora or Gosh, all the other places you can listen to podcasts. leaving us a review helps us know what we're doing right and how we can improve as well.

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