Negative Political Climate

The idea of 2 parties wrestling through politics isn’t a hard image to visualize. What is going on in the political sphere is creating this dichotomy of unrest in our nation with both parties seeing their own way as the only solution to the problems our nation is facing. In the face of a gloomy political climate, Jeff and Terry offer encouragement to those who are bombarded by the negatives.

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Journey Coaching gives you the opportunity to share your unique life story with another person, your coach, who can help you see it from a more objective perspective. Through your time together, you will begin to identify three key areas that influence personal growth: your strengths, your weaknesses, and your personal philosophy or world view. You’ll explore how your story fits into the bigger picture and you’ll develop some unique-for-you goals and strategies for future change. Regardless of where you’re starting, Journey Coaching can help you grow. Most people find they appreciate the opportunity to tell their story to someone who cares, as well as the lively discussions that encourage personal reflection and understanding. All that is needed is an open heart and a desire to develop strengths within your purpose.