Folge 48 - Tomorrow is a new day with Margie Alley (ENGLISH)

Welcome to my podcast. My name is Kathrin Wersing, I am 43 years old and I live in Germany. I started this podcast nearly 2 years ago because I was diagnosed with Parkinson's and since then I have been collecting stories of people with PD who manage to live their life in a positve way and also stories of people who help those living with the desease. After I was able to talk to 40 insoiring people from Germany, Austria and Switzerland last year, my focus this year is on how Parkinson's is seen and treated in other countries around the world. Though Parkinson's is a serious disease and we all know the challenges, worries and fears on bad days, each of us also has strategies, resources, and helpful thoughts that we can pass on to others as a way to help. In my "Parkinson's around the world" series, I've already spoken with people from Iceland and Uganda. Today, I'm traveling to the U.S. to meet Margie Alley, a great and inspiring woman who I had the pleasure to meet in person at a table tennis tournament in Germany a year ago. So I hope you enjoy this interview. Links to this episode: Margie's documentary GOTTA KEEP MOVING: PingPongParkinson USA: I appreciate your feedback on this podcast episode. Feel free to write to me: [email protected]

Om Podcasten

Wie kann es trotz der lebensverändernden Diagnose Parkinson gelingen, das Leben positiv, lebenswert und bunt zu gestalten? Kathrin Wersing, selbst im Alter von 40 Jahren an Parkinson erkrankt, spricht mit Menschen, die auf vielfältige Weise positiv mit der Erkrankung leben. Ein Podcast, der Mut machen soll, von Betroffenen für Betroffene, Angehörige und alle, die einen positiven Zugang zum Thema Parkinson suchen.