Episode 45 - Parkinson's si Buko (ENGLISH) with Hannington Kabugo

Welcome to a new special episode of "Parkinson's around the world". In this series, my focus is on how Parkinson's is seen and treated in other countries around the world. This episode, I have to be honest, has touched me the most of all so far: Imagine you have Parkinson's, imagine you live in one of the poorest countries on earth, imagine people around you think you are jinxed if you have Parkinson's and they dare not go near you and banish you. I met Hannington Kabugo from Uganda. He told me the story of his mother, who had Parkinson's disease. Her painful fate led Hannington to found an organization in Uganda that cares for people with Parkinson's disease. Travel with me to Uganda in this podcast and meet a truly remarkable man. Links to this episode: Homepage of Sherryl Klinglhofer's partner organization in the USA: https://parkinsonssibuko.org/ There you can also find a direct link to donate via PayPal in favor of Parkinson's si Buko USA. All employees work on a voluntary basis and all donations go directly to Uganda. Contact Hannington Kabugo via facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kabugo.hannington.330 Thank you very much for your donation and support. I appreciate your feedback on this podcast episode. Feel free to write to me: [email protected]

Om Podcasten

Wie kann es trotz der lebensverändernden Diagnose Parkinson gelingen, das Leben positiv, lebenswert und bunt zu gestalten? Kathrin Wersing, selbst im Alter von 40 Jahren an Parkinson erkrankt, spricht mit Menschen, die auf vielfältige Weise positiv mit der Erkrankung leben. Ein Podcast, der Mut machen soll, von Betroffenen für Betroffene, Angehörige und alle, die einen positiven Zugang zum Thema Parkinson suchen.