5) Needles and bruises. Our first fertility treatment

So we commence with the IVF/ICSI  treatment cycle number 1 and I’m trying to work out what my role is, as well as grappling with handing over £400+ for a round of fertility drugs. I also outline the five mistakes that you can make when injecting your partner with a syringe. We meet Liz Owen  the  Lister hospital sonographer (Ultrasound scanning) and ask what the hell you are meant to be looking out for on those first IVF scans. Finally we look at why we ended up at A&E rather than the  Fertility clinic before we even got started. Pharmacy tips and tricks to reduce the cost Acting in solidarity with your partner and feeling useless Tips on administering injections for fertility treatment What is ovarium hyperstimulation?

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SPOILER ALERT: After 5 years of trying for a baby, countless rounds of IVF, treatment, 18 embryos AND some life changing decisions, our daughter Rosie was born in January 2020. Along the way, there was heartache, pain, wacky diets, excitement, hope, determination, loss of faith and a lot of needles. It can be a lonely rollercoaster ride and I was struck by the fact that there was little from a male perspective and I vowed if we were successful to do start the conversation. This is a very personal story, with some difficult and uncomfortable truths. Throughout this series we’ll go behind the curtain at the fertility clinic and meet the consultants, embryologists and team to get the low down on those tough questions, how to improve your chances, some facts on what to expect AND some money saving tips.