Foods for Fertility & or Pregnancy

IVF Before and After Podcast - Ein Podcast von Kay Dempsey

‘Eating fertility foods in preparation for your pregnancy and to boost fertility is one of the most powerful health changes you can make for yourself’  Kay looks at the research studies on how the food we eat can make a positive impact on fertility. She takes us through the different food groups and the role they play in preparing the body for reproduction. Listen in now for practical advice and tips on how to positively prepare to be a parent.     KEY TAKEAWAYS  Numerous studies have shown that  specific changes to food  intake can improve  fertility, prevent miscarriages and support a healthy pregnancy.  A healthy body requires hormones and the building blocks for hormones are found in the foods we eat.  What is fertility food?  It’s a way of eating that supports your body in its reproductive efforts and includes foods that are dense in the specific nutrients that are needed for hormonal function and production, foetal development along with egg and sperm health.  It is food designed to achieve balance and build up the nutritional building blocks that will give your child the best start in life.  We all eat so why not eat in a way that supports fertility. Eating organic, grass fed, whole fat, raw diary is the best choice.  Meat should be grass fed and organic as it is a good source of essential fatty acids, low saturated fat and protein.  Eat only greens in their natural form as fibre is important for the body in getting rid of  excess hormones.  Eating cold water fish is recommended as it’s a great source of protein.  White and processed foods should be avoided and replaced by whole wheat alternatives  There are also fertility superfoods such as Maca and Royal Jelly.  Preparing for pregnancy by changing to foods for fertility is a powerful step anyone can take in the journey to parenthood.     BEST MOMENTS  ‘Did you know the food you eat today impacts on your eggs and sperm 90 days from now?’  ‘The number 1 cause of infertility, lack of egg production, can often be remedied by changes to the food we eat’  ‘There are some chemicals added to foods that can be harmful to your health and your fertility’    VALUABLE RESOURCES  IVF Before and After Podcast    ABOUT THE HOST  IVF Before and After was founded by Kay Dempsey. She created IVF Before and After, after many years spent researching and practising every possible way to conceive with IVF. Kay has created a global community with the use of podcasts she will share the stepping stones to empower your mindset, fuel your body organically and support you along your fertility journey.     CONTACT METHOD          See for privacy information.

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