Ep. 1825 Riccardo Baldi of La Staffa winery | Slow Wine 2023

Welcome to Episode 1825; part of our Italian wine interview series set in Bologna! Today’s interview features Riccardo Baldi of La Staffa winery  Stevie Kim and her team traveled to the Bologna Slow Wine Fair in March 2023. There they conducted dozens of interviews with some of Italy's most inspiring producers. Join the fun every Thursday afternoon! Tune-in each Thursday as we bring you the great interviews that unfolded over the course of 3 days. More about today’s guest: Riccardo was born in Staffolo in 1990, in the heart of Castelli di Jesi appellation. At the age of 20, he fell in love with wine and I decided to take over my father's vineyard. At the time he produced wine as a hobby on 2 hectares of vineyard. Riccardo moved immediately to organic farming and started to make more “natural” oriented wines. Connect: Website: Vinilastaffa.it Instagram: @_maisentito_ | @lastaffaofficial _______________________________ Let's keep in touch! Follow us on our social media channels: Instagram www.instagram.com/italianwinepodcast/  Facebook www.facebook.com/ItalianWinePodcast  Twitter www.twitter.com/itawinepodcast  Tiktok www.tiktok.com/@mammajumboshrimp  LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/company/italianwinepodcast  If you feel like helping us, donate here www.italianwinepodcast.com/donate-to-show/ Until next time, Cin Cin! Thanks for tuning in! Listen to more stories from the Italian Wine Community here on Italian Wine Podcast!

Om Podcasten

The Italian Wine Podcast is a storytelling project dedicated to the fascinating world of Italian wine. New episodes are published every day – so stay tuned! With more grape varieties and more diverse grape growing regions than any other country in the world, the story of Italian wine is a rich and captivating one. While the popularity of Italian wine continues to grow in every corner of the globe, inspired by a deep affection for the Italian way of life, the Italian Wine Podcast seeks to entertain, educate and inform. Embracing Italian food, travel, lifestyle and culture, IWP has something for every taste!