Of Nazis and Narnians

Controversy this week as terrorist watchdog puts CS Lewis children's classic on its far right white nationalist blacklist. Also on the blacklist is Suella Braverman, whom popular BBC sports presenter and covert socialist Gary Lineker compared to the Nazis. North of the border, the ostensibly Muslim candidate for leadership in the SNP Humza Yousaf wants to make it legal to terminate babies up until the point of birth.Church of England reverends Tom and Jamie discuss all these stories, give you...

Om Podcasten

Are you wondering how a Christian should respond to current events? What are we to think about a world that appears to be going absolutely mad? How are we to discern the signs of the times? In this podcast, featuring The Reverend Thomas Pelham, The Reverend Daniel French, The Reverend Doctor J.A. Franklin and the occasional guest, we attempt to give some answers. Email us at [email protected], follow us on Twitter @irreverendpod or on Telegram at https://t.me/irreverendpod. We also have a youtube channel which can be found by searching Irreverend: Faith and Current Affairs! If you would like to support the show, which can be done from £1.50 plus VAT per month, you can join our Patreon community. Please go to www.patreon.com/irreverend