64. The Glass Ceiling of Friends And Family That Holds You Back From Success

Investment Fund Secrets - Ein Podcast von Bridger Pennington


I started and launched 14 different businesses while I was in college... I got into school and I was like, "this is my time!" My theory was I’m going to get up to the plate and keep swinging... As long as I’m at the plate swinging, I'll eventually hit a double, triple, or even a home-run, right? As an Entrepreneur, you're investing in your self… entrepreneurs even see failure as progress.  Whether your next fund or even business for that matter does really well or fails, I see it as progress because I learn WAY faster starting businesses than any other way! I’ve worked at a PE fund, a large tech company in Silicon Valley… and I learned WAY more starting and running my own businesses than working a 9-5. For me, I’m trying to get from point A to point B as fast as possible and to do that I’ve got to learn and grow as much as I can!  That is why I Intentionally chose entrepreneurship when I got to college! So I was on business try #8… and we were building different websites and online advertisements for companies.  I was pretty good at doing this, and I had found a few people that partnered with me that were geniuses. I was good at selling and pitching companies, so we launched this business!  It was going okay… we had landed a few businesses and we would take an upfront fee of $5,000, and then we would take a revenue share of all the money we brought in through our ads and websites. Once you start having success: Friends and Family will doubt your businesses, say that “you’ve changed” and start distancing themselves from you… ... Which can make you mentally default back down to their level so you’ll have friends again. I actually heard Tony Robbins speak last week and he talks about the thermometer - we all have a temperature that we’re comfortable with that our friends and family like us at…  Once we start growing, it starts to get too hot. Then, something inside of us makes the AC kick on… and we sabotage our own success until we’re back to that same level with our family and friends.  This happens with athletes, they have a high thermometer of their fitness level… or whatever that is, if they start getting a little overweight, or maybe have a pregnancy, what happens right after the have the baby, then they hit the gym like a madwomen to get back to their weight that they are comfortable with.  That’s why the quote works if you took all the money from the wealthiest people in the world and gave it to the poor people… in a matter of time, the wealthy people would all have it back. Russel Brunson was saying that he has friends who say, “Man… you’re so lucky… I wish I could find something like that….” He was like WHATTT “LUCKY?” Are you kidding? I’ve been working my butt off for the past 15 years. Remember all those nights that you’d come home from work and hangout and watch Netflix, and all those Saturdays you took your kids to the beach, well I didn’t. I was tricking grinding and perfecting my trade. Don’t let this glass ceiling effect hit you. Where you can see above you, but you keep hitting something above your head and can’t progress. **If you found this helpful, leave a review for me! By the way, if you want to start your own fund, go to www.investmentfundsecrets.com today! **We are not selling or soliciting a security in any way, shape, or form. This content is for entertainment purposes only and is not financial or legal advice**

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