91. News: Suez Canal ship owner splits the bill & festivals are in the mud

Sarah Kocianski and Nigel Walsh are joined by a panel of guests to discuss the most recent and exciting news in the world of Insurtech. Joining us today are: Maria Goy, Co-Founder & COO at Spot Lisa Conway, CUO - USA at battleface We cover the following stories: Suez ship owner calls for freight owners to split damages 03:02 Insurtech Investments hits a new record! 09:20 Festivals in the mud 19:25 Marsh & Chubb team up on COVID-19 vaccine programme 29:41 Zurich warns e-commerce boom could spark warehouse blaze uptick 37:53 Car premiums see a record drop 38:41 Allianz tightens restrictions on coal, oil and sands business 39:41 Australian man sets up fake physio studio to help friend out 41:20 All that and much more on this week's episode of Insurtech Insider! Subscribe so you never miss an episode, leave a review on iTunes and every other podcast app. Spread the insurtech love by sharing or tweeting this podcast. This episode of Insurtech Insider was produced by Hanna Samuelson and edited by Alex Woodhouse. Special Guests: Lisa Conway and Maria Goy. Links: Suez ship owner calls for freight owners to split damages Insurtech Investments hits a new record! Festivals in the mud Marsh & Chubb team up on COVID-19 vaccine programme Zurich warns e-commerce boom could spark warehouse blaze uptick Car premiums see a record drop Allianz tightens restrictions on coal, oil and sands business Australian man sets up fake physio studio to help friend out

Om Podcasten

Insurtech Insider is a fortnightly show from 11:FS, hosted by 11:FS' Client Director and Insurance Lead, John Bean and co-hosted by Google's Nigel Walsh. Each show they pair are joined by a range of very special guests and experts in the insurtech space to talk about breaking news and hot industry topics. Whether you are an insurance beginner or an industry expert, the team will bring you right up to date on all things insurtech.