#51 The Search for Hope while surrounded by death Part 1/2 - Kevin Tangney

Inspirierend anders - Ein Podcast von Luca Beutel - Dienstags

#51 The Search for Hope while surrounded by death Part 1/2 As Guest: Kevin Tangney, 41 Years When Kevin and the others from The Battalion Search and Rescue go out in the Arizona Desert, they are searching. Searching for signs of people who just passed by. Looking for water bottles, shoes, tracks,… Looking for Immigrants who recently crossed the border and are in need of help. What they are finding instead is often disturbing and can bring anyone to tears. In 2004-2005, Kevin was on the other side of the planet fighting for his home country in the Iraq War. What he saw and did there changed his life and perspective forever. How did he transform from someone who hurt people to someone who helps people? Find out everything about Kevin’s Life in this first of two parts of inspiringly different. You find Kevin on Instagram: Kevin.Tangney and the Battalion Search and Rescue: battalionsar_ The Podcast on: www.inspirierendanders.com