This SELF MASTERY hack will CHANGE your life right NOW with Don Miguel Ruiz Jr
Inspired Evolution with Amrit Sandhu 🙏🏻 - Ein Podcast von Amrit Sandhu

When he was only 14 years old, don Miguel Ruiz Jr apprenticed to his father don Miguel Sr and his grandmother, Madre Sarita, to learn how to they manifested their intent to heal people, both physically and spiritually. When he reached his mid-20’s, after 10 years of apprenticeship, his Father intensified his training. This training culminated one day when don Miguel Ruiz Sr sent his eldest son out in the world, saying, “Find your way out. Go home and master Death by becoming alive.”Since 2006, don Miguel Jr. has applied the lessons learned from his father and grandmother to define and enjoy his own personal freedom while achieving peace with all of creation; and as a Nagual, he has been passing along the wisdom and the tools of his family’s traditions.Along with his family, don Miguel Jr leads workshops, retreats and power journeys to help others to achieve their own personal freedom and optimal physical and spiritual health.He is also the author of the books: The Five Levels of Attachment, Living a Life of Awareness, The Mastery of Self, Don Miguel Ruiz’s Little Book of Wisdom, and has co-authored, The Seven Secretes to Healthy, Happy Relationships, with HeatherAsh Amara. Read his newest book, The Mastery of Life: Mastery of Life book and 5 day retreat to Teotihuacan Mexico: IN00:00 - Intro01:45 - Don Miguel’s beginnings03:19 - The Toltec view of domestication06:05 - Is domestication unavoidable in the upbringing of children?30:01 - How trauma is created33:04 - How to find yourself and get to know who you are47:32 - Setting goals vs intentions1:01:33 - OutroLISTEN & SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCASTSpotify: Podcasts: WITH DON MIGUEL RUIZ JRWebsite: THE INSPIRED EVOLUTION COMMUNITYWebsite: https://www.inspiredevolution/YouTube: this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.