Shai Agmon on the Medicine of Music | Heal Your Mind, Body & Soul with Medicine Music

Inspired Evolution with Amrit Sandhu 🙏🏻 - Ein Podcast von Amrit Sandhu

Shai Agmon is a one of a kind guitar teacher who works with sound healers, intuitive singers, doulas & shamanic ceremony facilitators, helping them to expand their musical capabilities and build the path towards more creativity and self-expression through music & rhythm.In the last year, Shai has created an online community of musicians and therapists, interested in world music, medicine songs & indigenous music. He shares guitar tutorials & creative arrangement created for songs requested by the community.Shai teaches mostly online, and combines practical music theory with enjoyable creative development exercises. In 1 on 1 lessons he focuses on a fun, musical approach to applying the theoretical skills in creative ways, and specifically for therapeutical/shamanic/ contexts.Through his work, he shares his life experiences and diverse background - working as a touring guitarist in music theatre productions, music & drama therapy work with kids & supporting indigenous shamans in guiding sacred ceremonies.Au canto nas Alturas tutorial: by Sam Garrett tutorial: IN02:33 - What inspired Shai to post music tutorials to Youtube?05:03 - Musical therapy for kids as a healing modality11:42 - Empower yourself via creative expression15:36 - What role does music play in plant medicine ceremonies, birth/death transitions?17:35 - Creative process - should you write songs that appeal to you or that serves others?25:13 - Using music as a conductor to support the movement of energy within yourself27:47 - Parenting and your child’s relationship with music 30:55 - Is music for everyone?39:34 - How to overcome the fear of stepping out in front of the camera and share42:33 - Patreon and what is next for Shai? 47:54 - What does it mean to be in service?52:28 - How to overcome musical blockages & connect to the field56:10 - Amrit’s journey with music and fatherhoodLISTEN & SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCASTSpotify: Podcasts: WITH SHAI AGMONWebsite: THE INSPIRED EVOLUTION COMMUNITYWebsite: https://www.inspiredevolution/Instagram: this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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