IE247 Dr. Bradley Nelson: The Emotion Code: How to Heal Your Emotional Trauma & Clear Your Heart Wall Forever

Inspired Evolution with Amrit Sandhu đŸ™đŸ» - Ein Podcast von Amrit Sandhu

Veteran holistic physician Dr Bradley Nelson is one of the world’s foremost experts on natural methods of achieving wellness.He is the creator of The Emotion Code and The Body Code system, and is the CEO of Discover Healing, a holistic education platform that provides training and certifies practitioners worldwide.Dr Bradley Nelson joins Amrit on the podcast to dive deep into his best-selling book ‘The Emotion Code’ which provides step-by-step instructions for working with the body's energy healing power. They discuss methods of re-coding the subconscious mind through identifying and releasing trapped emotions. Dr Bradley shows us how to discern one’s own trauma from transgenerational trauma inherited from ancestors. He also shares how to clear your heart wall and how these tools have had miraculous results in healing people and animals worldwide.Start here by accessing your FREE Emotion Code Starter Kit: IN01:17 - The Emotion Code book03:26 - Dr Bradley Nelson’s healing journey will blow your mind17:53 - Re-coding the conscious and unconscious minds22:08 - Miraculous story of a lady releasing 10 yrs worth of chronic pain in 2 mins28:01 - How to access the subconscious mind via your emotions & physical body36:27 - What happens when trapped emotions are inherited from ancestors?41:21 - Amrit’s healing journey using The Emotion Code45:53 - Self testing methods you can use right now!51:24 - Bizarre stories of interconnection & the heart wall1:03:07 - Healing loved ones, both humans and animalsLISTEN & SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCASTSpotify: Podcasts: WITH DR BRADLEY NELSONWebsite: WITH DISCOVER HEALINGWebsite: THE INSPIRED EVOLUTION COMMUNITYWebsite: https://www.inspiredevolution/Instagram: this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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